20 N. Matlack St

West Chester, PA 19380

Need Shelter?

Call 211 or 1-855-567-5341


Business Office

homeless, man, sign, safe harbor of chester county

We are now open for lunch, 6 days a week
Safe Harbor has expanded our Community lunch program. Everyone is welcome.

Safe Harbor operates a Community Bag Lunch Program that is open Monday through Saturday, to all low-income men, women, and children in the West Chester area. This meal is all too often the only nutritious food many people receive on a daily basis.

This program also serves as an entry point to the shelter for individuals and provides a means of supporting past residents who have moved on to independent housing.

Safe Harbor’s generous volunteers prepare and serve upwards of seventy-five nutritious lunches six days a week to anyone walking through our doors. These lunches for our residents and the greater community can help stretch budgets so people can stay in their homes or pay for other essentials.

Doors are open from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Monday through Saturday.