Safe Harbor of Chester County was recently visited by at a Board member by a prominent figure in the area. Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan stopped by our Board meeting to deliver a donation on behalf of the entire DA’s office. Recently they got together and chose Safe Harbor of Chester County to be the recipient of their office fundraiser. It seems that one of the most popular fundraisers in his office is a “wear jeans to work day”. Basically, employees get to contribute a set dollar amount to earn the right to wear jeans on a specific day. If they reach the participation goal then everyone gets to wear jeans instead of their usual business clothes. Safe Harbor is so grateful that the team working with Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan chose us to be the recipients of this fundraiser!. Thank you, Tom Hogan and the entire staff who contributed to our worthy cause!
If you would like to donate to Safe Harbor please click the donate button, located on the menu